8 November 2009

Obama´s 1st Year

After one year of Obama´s reach to the power with the slogan “Yes, We Can” I would like to analyze what he has done so far.

Although Obama has proven to be somewhat of a hero this past year, his expectations have not exceeded him. Due to things like 10% unemployment rate, an imminent war in Afghanistan, and many other non transformative ideas, super-star Obama has failed to meet America´s needs.

Even for a left-winged newspaper like the New York Times, “the tears and euphoria of Grant Park feel like a thousand years ago.”(Art.1).The article is one of the best articles I´ve read, very interesting and with a constructive criticism using some formal speakers that comment on Obama´s first year.

With his epics speeches in the rain and the President-elect Obama's Grant Park speech “He has discovered that the oratory that proved so powerful on the campaign trail does not as easily move votes on Capitol Hill,” New York Times says.

I also enjoyed reading a Fox News opinion article completely opposite to the New York Time´s it was very vice. Opinions like “the biggest "change" he can point to is that he's our first black president and he's not President Bush!” proves that they are not very into the Obama phenomenon and the way people think he´s a savior because of his amazing campaign and skin color.

In a recession time I don’t think it’s a good idea to change one of the most important (and expensive) systems in the country. The Health Care reform should wait if they don´t want to collapse the new system with the drowned American citizens. Who is going to pay the icing of Obama´s cake? The last legislation estimated the cost of the plan in more than $1 trillion while Obama “has put the threshold at $900 billion for a suitable plan” (Art.2)

My suggestion is this, WAIT, wait until you pull out the troops of Iraq as you said “By August 31, 2010, our combat mission in Iraq will end” (art. 4) , wait until you solve the biggest financial crisis since the Great Depression and wait until you prove to the world that you have already accomplished something bigger than a better image for the US after Bush hegemony (something relatively easy). The controversy with the imported tires in china were US became protectionism is not the way to solve the crisis that started in the US.

I want to clear my opinion expressed here may seem that I don´t like Obama, that´s not true, what I don´t like it´s to elevate Obama like a savior and the captain of a New America when hasn’t done anything notorious to achieve awards and merits like the Nobel Prize. With some time I hope he does a good job leading the world most powerful economy.

(Art.1) http://www.nytimes.com/2009/11/04/us/politics/04obama.html
(Art. 2) http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/HealthCare/health-care-reform-public-option-employer-mandate-remain/story?id=8881163
(Art.3) http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2009/11/02/jon-kraushar-obama-year-later/?test=latestnews
(Art.4) http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/7914061.stm

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